NPO 2 Extra:

Be My Voice


Journalist en activist Masih Alinejad is de stem van miljoenen Iraanse vrouwen die op sociale media in opstand komen tegen de gedwongen hijab.

Masih leidt een van de grootste daden van burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid in het huidige Iran en gebruikt haar vrijheid in ballingschap om het protest in haar thuisland te versterken. Het regime verstevigt zijn greep om de controle terug te krijgen en Masih's moed wordt op de proef gesteld wanneer geweld en onderdrukking haar eigen familieleden bedreigen.

Regie: Nahid Persson
Omroep: VPRO

Meer met journalist Masih Alinejad

In de media

Na het uitlichten van deze film op sociale media ontving via Twitter veel negatieve berichten over de film en hoofdpersonage Masih Alinejad. VPRO vroeg regisseur Nahid Persson om een reactie. 

“Don't trust all the comments on social media. Most are cyberists, paid by the regime. The regime is doing everything to silence  exiled Iranians/journalists/filmmakers who try to be the voice of the people.

During the recent revolution, Woman, Life, Freedom, the regime has become more active than ever. 

The pictures with Masih and Khatami are from 14-15 years ago, when Masih worked as a reporter in the parliament and believed in a change within the regime. But she, like many other Iranians, soon realized that it didn't work.

The goal of the regime is that no one trusts each other. If we are all suspicious of each other, we don't have time to fight the regime and the regime has won. So please counter these rumors instead of getting worried. 

Masih is not alone in receiving these rumours. A couple of months ago, an opposition group was formed by exiled Iranians, where Masih is one of them. They have traveled to different parts of the world and met with leaders to discuss their support for regime change in Iran. All of them have received a lot of threats and a major cyber attack. Unfortunately, this has affected some people negatively. It also removes hope for Iranians in Iran."

Meer over Iran